Guest Post by: Marita A.

Yemisi is such a kind spirit that I’ve had the pleasure of getting acquainted with in undergrad. My fellow U of I Alum and “natural gal”, as she likes to say, spends most of her time these days on the Cayman Islands. I must say that I am jealous that Yemisi gets to enjoy an Oceanside view and white sand; however I wouldn’t want to go back to doing homework and studying. This natural gal is currently in her final years of medical school. Naturally beautiful, naturally smart, and wonderfully spirited, Yemisi is triple threat!

Marita A: How long have you been natural?

Yemis: That is a good question. I can’t remember the date I actually chopped off my hair, but my last relaxer was July 2, 2009. My 3 year anniversary just passed, YAY me!

Marita A: What inspired you to go natural?

Yemisi: So many things inspired me to go natural. I didn’t get my first relaxer until I was about 18, so I was natural for a long time. The inspiration to turn back the hands of time was merely because I really love natural hair. I love natural hair styles and I personally prefer it to my relaxed days.

Marita A: What was the most difficult part of transitioning to natural?

Yemisi: I didn’t find it difficult per say. Before the official date of my last perm I tried to go natural but I couldn’t really cope with two different hair textures. So the next time I knew that if I didn’t chop it off, it wasn’t going to work out.

Marita A: How did your family, friends, spouse or significant other react to your hair’s new kinky texture?

Yemisi: Ha, some of my friends thought I was a bit off…my family is not bothered by it. But overall I received positive reactions about my kinky texture. I guess the reactions will never end. I am 3 years in and a few people here and there don’t fancy my natural hair but they love me nonetheless…LOL!

Marita A: Have you tried to convert any of your friends or family members into naturalistas?

Yemisi: Convert…such a strong word…but yep, I must say I am responsible for a few of my friends becoming natural gals. I wouldn’t say convert but just assisted in their process.

Marita A: What’s in your makeup bag?

Yemisi: Oh geez, the day I learn how to do make up properly, I am sure I will have a whole bunch of stuff in there. But at the moment, I just have the basics… mascara, blush, eyeliner, foundation.

Marita A: How do you keep your skin naturally beautiful?

Yemisi: People always say I have good skin. I think I get it from my mother. I don’t use any fancy stuff, just the basics aka soap.

Marita A: Did you go through any kind of personal/spiritual transformation while going through the process of going natural?

Yemisi: Mmmmm, I would say considering I am wearing my hair the same way I did 20 years ago but used to get teased about it, there was a slight personal transformation. Luckily I have tough skin and those days are long over. Other than that I figured it is hair, so if all else fails I will figure out what will work for me.

Marita A: What are some of your favorite hair styles?
Yemisi: Hands down I love anything that ends with –out. Twist OUT, Braid OUT, and Bantu knot OUT. These styles are beyond convenient and have the ability to last a long time.

Marita A: What encouragement can you give to someone who maybe considering going natural?

Yemisi: Ahhhhh, when it all comes down to it, if natural is what you want to do then GO FOR IT! Whatever you decide to do, just be confident and you are good to go. Along the way someone may disagree with your decision to go natural but what are they going to do, de-friend you (I hope not)? Life is full of change, options, and opportunities. So make use of them, and enjoy yourself and your hair!!!
Yemisi, thanks for being a part of this weeks’ blog feature! When you are done studying please, I beg of you please, update us on your site, We miss your blog!