How long have you been natural?I have been natural since the beginning of the year but I did the BC (big chop) at the end of April.
Before BC |
What inspired you to go natural?
Change. I wanted a change. I was toying with the idea but never thought I could pull it off. The ultimate reason I did it was because I wanted to be happy with the way God made me. Also what helped push me over the edge was the fact that my hair was very damaged and was shedding like crazy so something had to be done. I wanted healthy hair and I wanted thick hair. I never had any of the two and after doing some research, natural hair seemed to be the best way to achieve all those things.
Did you receive any negative reactions from family and friends?
After I did the BC my grandmother told me I looked like a little boy. My aunt came to town the day I did it and her response to me wanting to be happy with the way God made me was that God made chemicals too. She also said that this was a phase which implied that she thinks that I will go back to relaxed hair.
What is your hair care routine?
I wash my hair about once a week followed by a deep conditioner that I leave in overnight. I co-wash as needed if during the week it starts to feel not as soft. Styling I wet it, use a leave in conditioner Eco Styler and an oil spray.
What products work well for you?
I’ve been using Shea Moisture shampoos and conditioner they work well, those are the only products I’ve been using since I cut it. The Eco Styler works well also.
What advice do you have for any new naturals?
I advise them to embrace it, find products that work for you, and your hair will be fine. Your confidence will grow everyday literally and to anyone that doesn’t like it so what they don’t have to you do, it is your hair. And anyone considering doing the BC do it!!!!! It has been awesome all the looks all the “hey you look pretty’s” and the “you rocking that hair” makes you feel good and happy you’ve done it. But over all I would say just know that you are beautiful and your hair is not what’s making you beautiful its you. Its your smile, your eyes, and your personality, when you start getting that inner confidence it will flow out of you regardless of you hair.
What has been the best and worst thing about going natural?
It has been a wonderful experience I am so happy I decided to go natural. I can already see and feel the difference in my hair and how healthy it is. The worst part is I’m ready for it to grow out more, but I’m sure I don’t have to worry about that it has only been a month since I cut it. Over all nothing bad about it just good!
Over all tip: invest in your make-up the same way you would in anything else and don’t be afraid to try new things.