Did you hear Beyonce’s new song “Bow Down”? I only listened to about 2 minutes of it because I was so disgusted and disappointed with the lyrics. I want to know what you think about the song. I am sharing my thoughts in this video. Feel free to leave comments
Rachel, I’m afraid that what we are seeing is the real Beyonce. I have also been guilty of admiring her a little too much. I was impressed with the fact that I never heard any “stuff” about her and she was not always in the tabloids behaving badly. However, if you think about it, what would your daughters turn out to be if they were never taught the importance of education, they were allowed to drop out of school and start at a very early age to wear skimpy clothing and dance provocatively for the cameras? What if you taught them that the most important thing in life was to perform and make money? That their babies should have crystal encrusted high chairs? What if you never taught them to give back– do something meaningful if they should be so blessed with phenomenal wealth? The packaging is flawless but it takes a lot of work to place a quality gift inside that package. Parenting is hard work and to stop parenting because your child has a career that you need to manage is wrong. Beyonce will likely come out of this unscathed—many people will admire the song. With celebrity comes license to do pretty much whatever you want to as far as morals are concerned. Recently I read that Kim Kardashian and her sisters engaged in a “smell off”. I won’t get into it, but this is a person with not much education, no investment in any community, no body of work, no record of philanthropy…who behaves like a gutter rat. What happens? For one, she is in a high profile movie. She appears on morning talk shows. With no mention of her lack of morals and disgusting behavior. What I hate is the message it sends to our young people. As much as we teach them to the contrary, the message that they receive via the media is that bad behavior and low morals leads to a successful life. It’s a constant struggle to keep them of the mindset that true success is measured in other ways.
Very strong opinion some of which I agree. thanks for reading and commenting.