I hope you enjoyed last week’s series of looking back on blogging in 2011. This week officially kicks off a brand new year of topics for me to cover, and I welcome your suggestions, so feel free to leave a comment. On Mondays I will be blogging about my journey through motherhood. I am a work at home mother of 3 girls, and boy do they keep me busy! This past weekend I took some much needed time for myself and I was so excited!  I actually ran from my home and kicked my heels in the air! 🙂 It got me to thinking, why don’t I take out time for myself more often?
My husband and I have an agreement, one evening a week he gets a couple of hours to himself to do whatever he wants, (usually involves sports) and one night a week I get a couple of hours to myself. I’ll admit, that most weeks I do not take advantage of this arrangement. I usually spend the evening working, cleaning my home or just being a couch potato. At the start of the new year I vowed to take more time for myself even if it just means taking a nice long bath.
While bathing one night it occured to me because of the peace, quiet and serenity, that bathing in some ways is a spiritual experience. I’m sure most people have never thought of it this way, but if you are a busy mom, please be sure to take time for yourself at least once a week. Here are some tips to creating a spiritual environment when you bathe:
- Turn out the lights, this will help your mind to be less alert and put you in a  restful mood
- As your mind races with thoughts of kids, husband, work etc., take time to medidate and pray for each person or situation that comes to mind
- Pour in a couple of drops of lavender essential oil. Lavender is known to help relieve the body of stress and imbalances
- Create the perfect playlist on your iPod. I like to download relaxing spa music
- Treat yourself to  a luxury shower gel. I nearly had a heart attack last week when one of my friends said her idea of  bubble bath includes Palmolive!…The horror I felt in my heart was just unbareable. LOL I love to splurge on high end shower gels. My favorite shower gel is Amazing Grace from Philosophy.
- Lock the door! No kids allowed! There is only one special guest allowed and this is only on special occasions…wink! wink!
I received a $25 gift card to Bath & Body Works for Mother’s Day from one of my SILs. I vow to purchase a luxury bubble bath…LMBO.
hope you enjoy!