Where beauty and inspiration meet

Where beauty and inspiration meet

Rachel O. Beauty also known as The Natural Beauty Expert empowers women to embrace their most natural inner and outer beauty.



Saying Goodbye For Now and Hello to Hair

On Set with ORS Curls Unleashed


Microblading My Eyebrows


Saying Goodbye For Now  and Hello to Hair

On Set with ORS Curls Unleashed 

Microblading My Eyebrows


Shop the Aisle Chicago Style

On Saturday I had the pleasure of hosting the “Shop the Aisle” event at Walmart in Chicago. Shop the Aisle is an in-store experience dedicated to bringing consumers to the aisles in order to learn more about caring for natural hair. It was quite a sight to see so many...

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Walgreens Beauty Department has a New Look

Guest Post By: Beauty School ScArlet Walgreens is all about beauty with the Look boutique flagship store in Chicago, IL located on State Street. They have revamped the appearance of the beauty department, upgraded the brands offered added a nail bar and as if that...

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Natural Hair Events

You know I love a good natural hair event and so of course I am sharing with you. If this is your first time considering attending a natural hair event you maybe asking, "what's the big deal"? These types of events are a great opportunity to meet other women who are...

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