Where beauty and inspiration meet

Where beauty and inspiration meet

Rachel O. Beauty also known as The Natural Beauty Expert empowers women to embrace their most natural inner and outer beauty.



Saying Goodbye For Now and Hello to Hair

On Set with ORS Curls Unleashed


Microblading My Eyebrows


Saying Goodbye For Now  and Hello to Hair

On Set with ORS Curls Unleashed 

Microblading My Eyebrows


Natural Hair Commandments

Everywhere I go, I am often asked about  about my hair. People stare with curiousty and ask "How long have you been natural, what products do you recommend?" I'm always up for sharing my story with others. There is so much information about natural hair available,...

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Explore Colorism in Same Difference

A few weeks ago a fellow curlfriend shared a link to the book Same Difference I loved the message so much I immediately requested an interview with the author, Calida Garcia Rawles. I hope you enjoy the video and please share your thoughts in the comments section....

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Getting F.A.B. with First Aid Beauty

Guest Post By: Beauty School ScArlet First Aid Beauty is a fairly new company that was started in 2009 by Lilli Gordon, a beauty expert with tons of experience in the industry. She started the company because she could not find quality prestige products that would not...

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